Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Birthday Cake Ideas For 25th Birthday

The janitor is the gate number 3!

Given the great success achieved in the management of the long-playing Alitalia, Berlusconi's government has decided to apply the credo Tremonti in all spheres of public life. Why think like Chinese boxes veterocrazia Communist? "The problems to be addressed in an interdisciplinary way and possibly a full stomach after meals," said the minister Rotondi.

Beginning was as always the first class, Mariastella Gelmini, who decided resolutely to handle the problem of public education with a method and absolutely brilliant innovative: a state of emergency.

In the absence of Commissioner Fantozzi promptly contact your esteemed colleagues to find the most suitable person to the emergency management: Christian De Sica , abroad for the shooting of the new cinepanettoni, immediately called out, ditto for Massimo Boldi and Renato Pozzetto . In perhaps Lino Banfi advocated by members of AN, in particular Maurizio Gasparri big fan of his, as the geriatric-natured aspect makes it especially pleasing to children and grandparents. Pressing on the wing centrist Lando Buzzanca.

Great Investment on school infrastructure: the Alitalia desk removed from Malpensa and rest rooms for drivers major airports will be used as furnishings for the new school of mold -futuristic aircraft.

All classes will be strictly pressurized and can freely move horizontally and vertically, changing position every day. A handy board paddle 60 (smuggled from Licio Gelli after the bankruptcy of Pan Am) will show every morning Gate where there are classes. The classic wooden pews will be equipped with seat belts, kevlar and inkwell and pen dispenser for oxygen masks with the strawberry flavor. In the classroom will be no smoking.

Cuts teaching staff will be balanced by the recruitment of a large part of Alitalia job losses, much higher quality of service: children will be greeted by hostesses popputissime who will arrange for check-in points and Mille Miglia, finally replacing the fat and the gray socialist janitors. The survivors of the class will still have the obligation of the currency: given the size of the typical Italian janitors, two currencies will be used for any caretaker, masterfully assembled by the same, the effect Cubist is guaranteed and can easily be passed off as yet another full deconstruction of pret a porter Italian, with approval of the major fashion magazines. Staff of land will help the children in boarding procedures backpacks, suggested during the testing of mathematics and will pull the balls of paper with the straw of the pen-shaped gadget Alitalia airplane (strongly desired by Bonomi for the relaunch of the company's image, held in more than 5 million copies and immediately set aside because he wrote only in green, the color most useless of human history. After a failed attempt to bilateral negotiations to sell under the table is the Northern League which the Greens, have been cleverly recycled as a cocktail stick on the Rome-Seoul, with great joy for Korean tourists).

Immediately after the regular check-in, there will be boarding the backpacks. The baggage will be sorted and delivered on time in class before the bell rings. In terms of lessons can be recovered in the classic conveyor belts (coming from the wing resigned Fiumicino), barring unforeseen circumstances: primary school Leopardi Rome have already lost 60% of the folders, 45% of cases and over 90 % of snacks, which were found only wraps.

The password is: enough with the dirigiste egalitarianism. Older children may acquire the wealthy business class ticket and follow the lessons in comfortable reclining seats equipped with tv Plasma and mini bar always well stocked with domestic and imported liquors. They also enjoy the lounge room where the interval Billy sipping champagne and savoring one of the Cuban personally selected by Tinto Brass. For girls fashion victim has been provided to the checkered apron model "Barbarella" Skirted Keystone, jacket and visor on vinyl, thanks to which they can easily walk on the doorposts (even with the help of LSD).

passed the amendment to the PD, at the express request of Cossutta, which provides an alternative for children apron metallic model "Small Soviet cosmonaut" with pictures of Gagarin on his chest and plush Lay included.

Since teachers' salaries will be commensurate with the percentage of coverage of classes, feared the effects of an overbooking pushed . Children who remain on the ground, usually with limited financial resources as going to school by bus arrives late, will be incorporated in Bad School (established by Decree Law which suspends the entire six months for the Italian Constitution and reinstate the Court Martial) along with other assets no longer expendable: asbestos roofs, water infiltration, Turkish baths, teachers with a mustache and flannel skirts, broken photocopiers, physical education teachers and obese minestrone bill.

anxiously awaited the entry of foreign partner.

To date, however, came forward only the Kessler Twins.


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